Evant I.S.D. is currently accepting sealed bids for the tear down and replacement of the main entrance at the school, and the inclusion of an enclosed foyer off of the existing front doors of the building.
All services to complete the work will be provided by the contractor. Please contact Superintendent, Dr. Jennifer Ingramfor an appointment before submitting a bid to review specifications. To submit a bid, please send it to Evant ISD at 339 Memory Lane, Evant, TX 76525 or hand-deliver it to the Evant ISD Superintendent’s Office at 339 Memory Lane, Evant, TX. For additional information, you may contact Dr. Ingram at 254-471-5536. The deadline to turn in a bid is 10:00 a.m. on August 28, 2023. Proposals will be reviewed at the August 28th special school board meeting at 339 Memory Lane, Evant. The trustees of the school reserve the right to reject any and all proposals and to accept any proposals deemed most advantageous to Evant I.S.D., as well as to negotiate with successful bidders as deemed advisable.